Ok...I'm back. Insert applause here. I have a new look to the blog and a lot more time to post more. So as of today I will be posting more often. No, I'm serious. I have lots I want to blog about and I will start RIGHT NOW:
Topic #1: Nursing School
I'm DONE!!!! Of coure I still have to take my state board exam but school is over. O-V-E-R. Pinning ceremony is December 11th and I can't wait to post pictures (which means I have to take pictures...which means I have to find my camera and use it). Stay tuned.
Topic #2: I want to try the Remixing thing. You can get real details at Kendi Everyday (this girl is Awesome). But from what I gather from what I've read is you pick 30 items mix them to form your wardrobe for 30 days and do your best to look fabulous. Oh! And you can't buy anything during those 30 days (which should be really easy for me because I am BROKE). Anywho... I want to do this.
Topic #3: I want to learn how to use photoshop. I have the software and nothing to do with it.
That's all for now Dolls! Happy Tuesday.