Seriously, I have got to get myself together. I wanted to start this blog and I haven't totally committed to it. I just feel like I have nothing to talk about that anyone wants to hear about..ya know?'s an update in life: (1.) In my last post I discussed wanting to be a Maternal Health Nurse... well I GOT A POSITION! Now I just have to wait to be released and allowed to work from the department I'm already in. I am completely excited but it has been a couple of months with no news of when I'm going to get to go. If I ever do get to go I will miss the other nurses I work with :-( But I may be with them longer than I expect. (2.) I still have no boyfriend...not even a prospect. It's hard out here for a single gal y'all! At least I still have wonderful friends who I miss and don't get to see hardly enough of. :-( (3.) I have a new obsession with Pinterest. It's pretty awesome I've found ideas for my wedding, my fabulous kitchen, and party ideas. All things I plan to have in the future.. but what about the present?? I can't very well go on presently planning everything around when something else happens in the future, can I? You tell me.
Here's to birthing babies and Pinterest,
Taking the Sweet with the SOUR!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Hello All!
Although I haven't posted in a looooong time and my blog is really not seen by anyone I've decided to come back to it and try to actually make it personal project. I'm not sure anyone will care what I have to say or what's going on in my life but I'm going to type it up anyway and the topic for today is DREAMING. Dreaming I like to do it, whether it be while I'm sleeping or the kind that start with the infamous "What if...". Example: What if I become a nurse? (YAY! For dreams that come true). But today I want to talk about some more dreams of mine. Dreams I intend to tackle...seriously. So I'm going to put them on here and as they start to come true I will cross them off the list. I do understand that some of the things listed are more goals than dreams but the word dream is so much better than the word goal....if you ask me. So here's the list:
1. I dream to be a Maternal Health nurse (Labor and Delivery, newborn, etc..)until I become a Nurse Practitioner of course. This has always been my 1st choice.
2. I dream of a new car or SUV. Something black and sleek looking. Acura??
3. I dream of adopting a kid. How cute is this precious baby??

I also dream that if I ever have love in my life (in the form of a husband) that he wants and accepts that I want to adopt a child and birth one also.
4. I dream of this kitchen.

When I dream of home ownership....I have always thought of my kitchen being yellow. I just love the color and I can just see myself baking some cupcakes in there. Ha.
That's all for now! I hope your Tuesday is filled with sleek cars and yellow kitchens!
Although I haven't posted in a looooong time and my blog is really not seen by anyone I've decided to come back to it and try to actually make it personal project. I'm not sure anyone will care what I have to say or what's going on in my life but I'm going to type it up anyway and the topic for today is DREAMING. Dreaming I like to do it, whether it be while I'm sleeping or the kind that start with the infamous "What if...". Example: What if I become a nurse? (YAY! For dreams that come true). But today I want to talk about some more dreams of mine. Dreams I intend to tackle...seriously. So I'm going to put them on here and as they start to come true I will cross them off the list. I do understand that some of the things listed are more goals than dreams but the word dream is so much better than the word goal....if you ask me. So here's the list:
1. I dream to be a Maternal Health nurse (Labor and Delivery, newborn, etc..)until I become a Nurse Practitioner of course. This has always been my 1st choice.
2. I dream of a new car or SUV. Something black and sleek looking. Acura??
3. I dream of adopting a kid. How cute is this precious baby??

I also dream that if I ever have love in my life (in the form of a husband) that he wants and accepts that I want to adopt a child and birth one also.
4. I dream of this kitchen.

When I dream of home ownership....I have always thought of my kitchen being yellow. I just love the color and I can just see myself baking some cupcakes in there. Ha.
That's all for now! I hope your Tuesday is filled with sleek cars and yellow kitchens!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
New Year...New Post.... New Outlook??
Before I start... this is going to seem like a venting session...a major one. That was your *WARNING*.
First, I do believe this is the first time I have posted in 2011. I'm excited!! I am now done with nursing school and working as a RN and thinking about going back to school already *sigh*. Now that I've completed school I have more time on more hands and I am abso-freakin-lutely LOVING it. I have read like 8 books this month and GUESS WHAT? None of them had anything to do with a patient's blood, feces, or urine!!! So, all that you just read definitely the SWEET part.
On to the SOUR...
Ok, with all the "free" time I have's definitely making me a little lonely. Believe me I'm not throwing a pity party because I have so much to be thankful for but I finally broke off that horrible engagement months and months ago, found a guy that I really really like (and that said he really liked me), and I'm thinking everything's good, right? WRONG! Something that I couldn't even begin to explain happened with this "great" guy, the ex-fiancé is still harassing me, and to top it all off my 6 month old puppy gets hit by a freaking TRUCK! A TRUCK! So with all this recent upset...and I am upset just for the record, I have really almost programmed a new outlook on life into my brain. And here it is: "SCREW GUYS and NO PETS ALLOWED!" Sad part is... I'm serious. I have to be the only girl in the world that was in a two day relationship and was (is) still more upset about that not working out than my engagement. And did I mention my dog died? Is it just me? Yeah, I figured that. Happy New Year y'all!
Someone, anyone,tell me what do you do after a breakup? What about a pet's death?
P.S. BE MY BLOG FRIEND!!!? I'm really nice...kinda.
First, I do believe this is the first time I have posted in 2011. I'm excited!! I am now done with nursing school and working as a RN and thinking about going back to school already *sigh*. Now that I've completed school I have more time on more hands and I am abso-freakin-lutely LOVING it. I have read like 8 books this month and GUESS WHAT? None of them had anything to do with a patient's blood, feces, or urine!!! So, all that you just read definitely the SWEET part.
On to the SOUR...
Ok, with all the "free" time I have's definitely making me a little lonely. Believe me I'm not throwing a pity party because I have so much to be thankful for but I finally broke off that horrible engagement months and months ago, found a guy that I really really like (and that said he really liked me), and I'm thinking everything's good, right? WRONG! Something that I couldn't even begin to explain happened with this "great" guy, the ex-fiancé is still harassing me, and to top it all off my 6 month old puppy gets hit by a freaking TRUCK! A TRUCK! So with all this recent upset...and I am upset just for the record, I have really almost programmed a new outlook on life into my brain. And here it is: "SCREW GUYS and NO PETS ALLOWED!" Sad part is... I'm serious. I have to be the only girl in the world that was in a two day relationship and was (is) still more upset about that not working out than my engagement. And did I mention my dog died? Is it just me? Yeah, I figured that. Happy New Year y'all!
Someone, anyone,tell me what do you do after a breakup? What about a pet's death?
P.S. BE MY BLOG FRIEND!!!? I'm really nice...kinda.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
These are A Few of My Favorite Things.
Who doesn't love The Sound of Music? At least the song "Favorite Things" Well, if you don' need to start. Anywho, I want to share a few of my favorite things with everyone on this GLORIOUS Wednesday. And here we go:

Instyle Magazine. I would LOVE a subscription but right now I just buy them off the stand when I can.

The WONDERFUL Apple Iphone. I have apps ranging from "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" to "Epocrates"...which helps me a lot when I don't know much on a health topic or medication (AKA Nursing School helper). Not to mention I get to talk to all my wonderful friends that call me!

And this heavenly scent (Victoria's Secret's Sexy Little Things Noir least it's heavenly to me. Actually, it's so heavenly I imagine biblical women would like it too... Yeah, that's what I said BIBLICAL...Ruth, Mary, Esther. Don't judge me! LOL.
So someone ANYONE tell me about a few of your favorite things. C'mon...just do it!
Until Next Time! Happy Wednesday!

Instyle Magazine. I would LOVE a subscription but right now I just buy them off the stand when I can.

The WONDERFUL Apple Iphone. I have apps ranging from "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" to "Epocrates"...which helps me a lot when I don't know much on a health topic or medication (AKA Nursing School helper). Not to mention I get to talk to all my wonderful friends that call me!

And this heavenly scent (Victoria's Secret's Sexy Little Things Noir least it's heavenly to me. Actually, it's so heavenly I imagine biblical women would like it too... Yeah, that's what I said BIBLICAL...Ruth, Mary, Esther. Don't judge me! LOL.
So someone ANYONE tell me about a few of your favorite things. C'mon...just do it!
Until Next Time! Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Back to Blogging
Ok...I'm back. Insert applause here. I have a new look to the blog and a lot more time to post more. So as of today I will be posting more often. No, I'm serious. I have lots I want to blog about and I will start RIGHT NOW:
Topic #1: Nursing School
I'm DONE!!!! Of coure I still have to take my state board exam but school is over. O-V-E-R. Pinning ceremony is December 11th and I can't wait to post pictures (which means I have to take pictures...which means I have to find my camera and use it). Stay tuned.
Topic #2: I want to try the Remixing thing. You can get real details at Kendi Everyday (this girl is Awesome). But from what I gather from what I've read is you pick 30 items mix them to form your wardrobe for 30 days and do your best to look fabulous. Oh! And you can't buy anything during those 30 days (which should be really easy for me because I am BROKE). Anywho... I want to do this.
Topic #3: I want to learn how to use photoshop. I have the software and nothing to do with it.
That's all for now Dolls! Happy Tuesday.
Topic #1: Nursing School
I'm DONE!!!! Of coure I still have to take my state board exam but school is over. O-V-E-R. Pinning ceremony is December 11th and I can't wait to post pictures (which means I have to take pictures...which means I have to find my camera and use it). Stay tuned.
Topic #2: I want to try the Remixing thing. You can get real details at Kendi Everyday (this girl is Awesome). But from what I gather from what I've read is you pick 30 items mix them to form your wardrobe for 30 days and do your best to look fabulous. Oh! And you can't buy anything during those 30 days (which should be really easy for me because I am BROKE). Anywho... I want to do this.
Topic #3: I want to learn how to use photoshop. I have the software and nothing to do with it.
That's all for now Dolls! Happy Tuesday.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
It's been a long time. Very long actually.
So, it has been a long while since my last blog post and I really started to miss it. I even missed reading the blogs that I follow! Lucky for me...I get to go back to the archives, right? So...NEWS update: nursing school is kicking my BEHIND. So in between studying for eight chapter tests I will have to make time to post (and read)! Until next time.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
What's Been Happening..Thus far
So..I haven't blogged in a while. A really long while. I started working in the art department at the Boys and Girls Club (again). It has been an far we have had "Cool Beach Week" and "Great Cultural Week". We are now on "Cool Career Week" this week and on Friday we all get to go watch the "Career Fashion Show" **insert applause**. So this is a little recap of things I've been thinking:
While pulling those long hard hours in the middle of the night studying different nursing topics (bowel obstruction, rheumatoid arthritis, etc...)I say things like "Man, I should really have gone for a career in Boys and Girls Club" and "I love kids maybe I ignored my true calling". To sum it all up... I'm going to be a nurse and have NO REGRETS! LOL. I love kids but as I've grown older my patience has gone OUT THE DOOR! The next set of kids I spend an entire summer with will be the ones that belong to me! :-)
For other news my dear sister's wedding is approaching in less than 4 weeks. YAY! We had her shower this past Saturday at Harry The Potter in Flowood. I think we all had a blast (I will post pics later).
And lastly, for the good stuff... I've been on a purchasing rampage. I deserve this (or at least that's what I told myself). I leave you with pics of my purchases.... heehee!

Everyone have a Great Tuesday Evening!
While pulling those long hard hours in the middle of the night studying different nursing topics (bowel obstruction, rheumatoid arthritis, etc...)I say things like "Man, I should really have gone for a career in Boys and Girls Club" and "I love kids maybe I ignored my true calling". To sum it all up... I'm going to be a nurse and have NO REGRETS! LOL. I love kids but as I've grown older my patience has gone OUT THE DOOR! The next set of kids I spend an entire summer with will be the ones that belong to me! :-)
For other news my dear sister's wedding is approaching in less than 4 weeks. YAY! We had her shower this past Saturday at Harry The Potter in Flowood. I think we all had a blast (I will post pics later).
And lastly, for the good stuff... I've been on a purchasing rampage. I deserve this (or at least that's what I told myself). I leave you with pics of my purchases.... heehee!

Everyone have a Great Tuesday Evening!
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