Tuesday, May 25, 2010


For all of you who don't know...Movie Gallery is closing. I can't say that I'm that sad about it either. Not that it is a bad job...but the last year has not been a good one for the company and they haven't exactly made it easy for the employees! I don't know who has heard of POWERPLAY but it wasn't the greatest idea (and that's me putting it nicely). On the other hand, if you just HAVE TO, NEED TO go to Movie Gallery they are still keeping stores in Canada open. ROAD TRIP!!! Everyone have a great Tuesday! Oh and here are the top 3 questions I hear daily at Movie Gallery along with some pics from my co-workers and I (not pictured) getting the store ready for the "BIG" sale:


3.) So..you're not renting anything? Everything's for sale?

2.) Are ya'll closing down?

1.) Well, where are we supposed to get our movies from?

I'll be back for Wishful Wednesday!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Come Over. Let's Play...

Ok...For those of you who don't know me (if there is anyone that is reading this that would actually not..tsk) then you probably know or have heard me talk about one of my best friends, Shantrel. Well, Shantrel moved next door to me when we were both young and she practically became my sister (seeing how my sister Brandi was in college). Well I would LOVE to believe that I taught Shantrel a few things about LIFE at the tender age of 9 (yeah..right), but I'm sure I did no such thing. I just want to tell everyone what Shantrel taught me: She taught me about life, fashion, a girl's image, and much much more (sarcasm fills the room). In other words she just taught me to play with Barbie Dolls! No, it really didn't teach me a thing but we had FUN. Shantrel always made up little funny songs right before we started to play, so it was like a tv show/soap opera (and anyone that knows Shantrel knows she still makes up songs to this day).So I kind of miss those days...so I will leave you today with memorabilia of those times:

Collection of beautiful Barbie dolls that I couldn't resist showing everyone. (Barbie)


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ok...I know I said I would post "Wishful Wednesday" last night and I had every intention to do so, but I forgot! Sorry. I will post a couple of items at the end of this post. Yesterday, I watched Disney/Pixar's "UP". It was so sweet. The married couple is so cute in the film and it was the sweetest little thing.It got my wheels turning about my future because they bought a little house and fixed it up. Lately, I've been thinking about completion of nursing school (December isn't coming fast enough!) and living arrangements. I'm excited about wherever I will find to live and decorating it!My numerous hours on the HGTV website is a completely different post though.I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's making me anxious. Another thing I'm getting excited about is the premiere of the "Sex and the City" sequel. A couple of friends and I are thinking about doing something kind of fun before we go see the movie. None of us have any ideas..so maybe we'll come up with something before then...if not the movie will still be fun! And now for "Wishful Wednesday "(only a day late):

This is the Otter Box Commuter TL Series. I have an Otter Box but this one is so much smaller but still offers the same protection! I have it here in pink but I'll probably just get it in black because I will get sick of the pink. I'll just keep it simple and sleek.

I would love to learn how to sew! No time like the present,right?

Until next time my friends!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

On The Road Again/Wishful Wednesday/Random

So I haven't really been anywhere too special but I have been frequenting Micheal's, Hobby Lobby, and other bridal stores b/c my sister is getting married in July **Insert APPLAUSE**. So It's been a week since I blogged! And now it's time for "Wishful Wednesday" again. I promise to blog more than once a week and if I don't do it more than once week...that this blog won't be a pile of pictures of things I want! I have got to do better and I will. So I'm not going to post "Wishful Wednesday" until later tonight and I'm going to talk about some more things now! I have a couple of friends with exciting times approaching and even though my own friends probably don't read my blog (LOL)..I want to wish them luck! I have a friend who is going to be taking a nursing entrance exam soon, a friend who is trying to decide where to move,a friend that's in the process of buying a house, and a few that are about to get ready to start Summer school (Where did the break go?). They are all great and talented in their own way and I'm just proud they call me a friend. So I'm going to end this post with a few pics of some of my friends!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

So....I've been flipping through some blogs and to keep in tradition I'm going to have "Wishful Wednesday". I'm just going to put up a few things I would like weekly and hope I don't look completely materialistic. I'm not a materialistic person but I like stuff(is that horrible or what?). To make myself feel better this week it's not all "stuff" that can be bought. So, I think I'll start with that wish... YEA, that's it? Here's the list:

I Really Really WISH that tomorrow's episode of Grey's Anatomy is a NEW episode. Not that I'm against reruns, but I'm so over them at this point! And I realize that the pic above portrays the "Old" cast,but I couldn't resist...they were in regular clothing and in BLACK (and anyone who knows me KNOWS I LOVE the color).

This darling dress! I just love the floral print and the ruffles! I want yellow shoes to go with it! I would put up the link for it but I don't know how :-( it's at Forever21.com (under Faith21).

I want "Meet Me in St. Louis" on DVD! I came across this musical last year when I watched "Sex and the City: The Movie". Carrie's assistant, Louise, gives it to her as a Christmas gift and I love musicals so I went to my nearest video rental store (i.e.Blockbuster :-) and rented it. This is one of my favorites!

So..."Wishful Wednesday" wasn't so bad, right? Right. K.THanks! LOL

Monday, May 10, 2010

New to Blogging/Puppy Shooting

Hi Everyone! I'm new to blogging and I have no idea what I'm doing. Thanks to my beautiful friend Taylor (and if I knew how I would link her blog) I was motivated to start one! She told me this would be easy...clearly she's a genius. I recently got a cute puppy and today he is six weeks old! So we took a bath and received a shot (vaccines). Oh the joy.....